So my sis got a simple yet sexy outfit together. Don't need to have to much stuff on to look fine as hell :P This song fit perfectly with this outfit Enjoy :3
Lower Tattoo: * ^v^ The Death ^v^ * 7 Deadly Sins V.1 ( Black ) [BOX]
So my sister got some new stuff and wanted to show it off :3 N-core had a sale of more than 50% off certain heels, got to love there shoes they are amazing!! It is so worth being in its group. Now when I saw my sisters outfit this song came to mind Enjoy :D
Yes yes another one :P I got me some new hooves and horns :Q__ As well a new tail at *Epic* It is soooo cute come in skin tones and in B+W. Looking all cute yet bad ass :p This song come to mind for this one
Okay so I joined a new group today that lead me to this awesome red jacket, best part is it's on special at the moment for 50L$!!!! Yes you read that right xD it is spectacular with amazing textures..... The group is called I+Love+SHOPPING it has a lot of good updates deff give it a look :3 Now this song came to mind with this outfit hahaha got to love music *-*
Ok so this outfit is just simple yet cute but!! smexy ;3 Yes I said smexy :P anyways... deff a "depends how you see" it look hahaha I hope you like it (You can see my CCS weapons lol) I don't know why this song came to mind with this outfit but its Ke$ha so you can't ever go wrong there woooo! :p
BodyTattoo: .:: Delusions ::. Bulletproof Tattoo
Chest Tattoo: .:: Delusions ::. Fear Me Tattoo
Eyes: .ID. Thank You Gift
Skin:[Al Vulo! Skin ] - [ pollon ] - [ million dollar baby ] GsP
Ears: [ni.Ju] :Overkill: Chained Ears
Hair: Magika // B&W Pack // Pix (Hair Fair)
Glasses: ***Arisaris Glasses Colors and Flowers
Facial Piercing: [Mad Echo] - Abbey Piercing
Make-up: [mock]Blackest Night Shadow (eyeshadow) (GroupGift)
Necklace: *Just Me* Funny Bow Grey
Necklace: < Yabusaka > Alphabet Changer Pendant (8 Letters) Box
Ok, so I decided to put on an entire outfit where I would not go over a budget of 300L$ and tadah!! I found one :D Most are group gifts or promos on the Marketplace xD you don't have to be filthy rich to look effing hawt! :P
This song came to mind with this outfit loooool <3 Korn Hope you enjoy it :3
This is a more relax look... I personally love it, it's something that I would deff wear in rl :P Hope you enjoy it. Some items are from the GSP (grunge soul project) event!! You should deff check it out. Everything is 100L$ or less!!!! Amazing creations so don't hesitate to take a look :3
Make-Up: *Gothica* Darktime Makeup
Eyes: .ID. Day & Night Eyes for GSP
Hair: .ILLUSORY. Hair_Ayumi - Monochromes
Tattoo: .ILLUSORY. Tattoo_Stars Addiction (Color)
Piercings: ::[annaA]:: Face Piercing "Shame" for {GSP} <- PoM -> - Body Piercings - Dem Hips
Skin: :F: Paige . GSP Edition
Ears: :GAUGED: Elven Ears[Sanrio]
Accessories: [V/INSANITY] LIKE A PRAYER BRACELETS & Free nails ::TOXIC KITTY:: Simple Rosary Exclusive Group Gift < Yabusaka > Alphabet Changer Pendant (8 Letters) Box Delirium Style - Demi (Copy) (Belt)
Shoes: ::Duh!:: Women's Sneaker Boots - Black Out
Top: ::TOXIC KITTY:: We Be Chillin' Plaid Jacket - Black
Bottom: RONSEM* Black Jeans
Ok so this is my first post xD woooo!! I am a picky person when it comes to outfits so I hope you guys enjoy the stuff i post for you :3
Mystical Demon was the inspiration for this look. I love the simplicity of the dress deff one of Sn@tch's best :P Everything about this outfit makes me have that magical feeling delicate yet powerfull ^-^
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Hazel - black & whites (snow)
Skin: [Al Vulo!]-[Isha]-[natural fairy]
Clothing: :::Sn@tch Barrens Dress::
Horns: - V - Der'An Set / Alabaster
Make-Up: *Gothica* Darktime Makeup
Ears: :GAUGED: Elven Ears[Sanrio]
Tattoo: ZombiePopcorn Hunt - La Malvada Mujer- true love
Necklace: < Yabusaka > Alphabet Changer Pendant (8 Letters) Box Opium Anisha in White ( Opium Anisha White Necklace pearls&flowers)
Shoes: N-core SENSE XtremeHeel "GroupGift" BOXED