Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Purr you cute little feline.....

Oh yeah hear that inner beast!! This is such a catchy song and it has such inspiring lyrics, Love it! Now for the outfit that inspires this felinish moment! ENJOY! ♥

** Phat Azz
<UTILIZATOR> - M3 Mesh Anime Head
Lolas ::: Tango ::: 
Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Mid
Essences - Emma *ivoire*
""D!va"" Hair "Daisy" (Type A)(Cat's eye)

!Blah. (My  Sweet Bat Top) Violet
!Blah. ( My Cheetah Jumper ) Black The Boobies Show
C h a r y . - Ballet Socks (White) The Azz Show

.tsg. Good Kitty Collar - Lavendar Fary Fantasy Gatcha
.tsg. Neko Cosplay - Blue Fary Fantasy Gatcha

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Melt me with your chains and spikes baby.....

So devious yet so sexy! What a perfect mixture ♥ I hope you enjoy :3

** Phat Azz
Lolas ::: Tango ::: 
Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Casual
[Buzz] Orb Eyes  - Cerulean
.Birdy. Blair skin ~Pure~ Kiss me (RARE)
""D!va"" Hair "Miso" (Platinum) Collabor88
.r.M. Nicolette - Teeth (Boxed)
- .HoD. - Glam Oil Lipstick Collection [Female]
-UtopiaH- Fight Piercing
.Identity. Body Shop - The Eye
 .::C.C. Kre-ations::.{Glowing beast} tail original mesh
Tabou Irresistible :: Black white Horn Belted OhMyGatcha Event

. AUTOPSY . Body Kinky Black The Boobies Show
. AUTOPSY . Socks Strap Black (With Fishnet)
FLite. -Aviators Miner Studded     Project Limited

LIMITED DRD - facemask    Project Limited
-DRD- female - armor -bluemetal

Monday, January 20, 2014

Sunday, January 19, 2014

And down the wabbit hole we go.....

So cute isn't it?! hehehehe I hope you guys enjoy it ♥

** Phat Azz
Lolas ::: Tango :::
Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High
~Tableau Vivant~ Brickworks Hair - Cowl up - Spring  The Seasons Story
.Birdy. Savannah Skin ~Porcelaine~  The Seasons Story
[Buzz] Mysteria Eyes - Angel
::Modish:: BeforeU {Nudes}Lipsticks

*Epic Boobies* Lost Hearts Set {Baby.Pink} Bodify
{PixelGeek} Pixel Luv over knee socks *Black*

Thursday, January 9, 2014

I'll give you something to fight for!....

This song is just awesome and the video is funny as hell xDD hehehe Ok my peeps I have some cute and new stuff for you so sit back and enjoy! ♥

** Phat Azz
Lolas ::: Tango :::
Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Casual
.Birdy. Blair Skin  ~Peaches~ Rebel Rose 
Milk&DRD Hair- Willow *Blondes*
[Buzz] Dolly Eyes -Pink
Tabou Irresistible :: Black white Horn Belted
Letis Tattoo :: Enif Sleeve Tattoo :: H13002 : 

!Blah. (My Jelly Fishnet Panties) Black
!Blah. (My Jelly Fishnet Top) Black
Munique. Luckish / Black

{PopTart} Garter Straps (Black)
*Epic* Mesh Latex Boots {Coal} 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Hell is not always a fire red...It can also be a freezing blue!

Oh I can so head bang to this for a while! hehehehe Love that song! ♫ I heart me some Barely Legal!! Such cute stuff !! ♥ Enjoy !!!
** Phat Azz
Lolas ::: Tango ::: 
Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High
Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Casual
[Buzz] Orb Eyes  - Cerulean
Essences - Emma *ivoire*
~Tableau Vivant~ Snowfall Hair - Spring
Letis Tattoo :: LOVE & HATE Sleeve ::  H13004 :: 
::Modish:: BeforeU {Reds}Lipsticks
*Epic* Mesh Sylph Ears {Lightly Pierced}

*REIGN.- V-Cuts Bodysuit- Pure

Barely Legal - Detective Rush Zebra
Barely Legal - Grimm Grip (Mesh Skeleton Hands)
-UtopiaH- My Charming Bow Collar White
-UtopiaH- My Rockabilly Glasses DOTTY BLUE

Monday, January 6, 2014

And my hand is..... Pink Flush baby!!....

Oh so pink-lade ♥ New cute tops from {Pixel Geek}!! I just had to make a pink outfit for it hehehehe I hope you guys enjoy!!!

** Phat Azz
Lolas ::: Tango :::
Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Casual
Essences - Emma *ivoire* TDR Fusion
[Buzz] Mysteria Eyes - Angel
[geek.] Gamer-Leftovers -Has-Been Chocolate -PAK  Common OMGatcha!
::Modish:: BeforeU {Nudes}Lipsticks
MONS / Makeups - black eyeliner series TDR Fusion
{PopTart}Shi Horns (Glitter Pink) nose RARE
 .::C.C. Kre-ations::.{Glowing beast} tail original mesh
Letis Tattoo :: LOVE & HATE Sleeve ::  H13004 :: 

{PixelGeek} Mini lace tops/pink (NEW)
:FY: Zipped Jeggings (pack 02)
FLite.-Corporals Black HighRider

!Fappy Gatcha. TheFancyCollar _Rose Butterflys OMGatcha!
-UtopiaH- My Rockabilly Glasses DOTTY PINK
PMS -Skeleton RIng -Red/Pink Skull OMGatcha!
PMS -Skeleton Ring- White/Pink Pearls OMGatcha!
.:ellabella:. Self - Wedding OMGatcha!
.Pekka. Rosario Bracelet -PURPLE OMGatcha!

Oh bloody hell!.....

Gawd :Q____ Deftones are just sexy all over hehehe! Well yet another demon look.... yes with me you will get a bunch of those ♥ Enjoy!

** Phat Azz
Lolas ::: Tango ::: 
Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High
Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Casual
Essences - Emma *ivoire*
[Buzz] Orb Eyes  - Frost
*Milk* Hair~Dailah *Blacks*
*Epic* Mesh Sylph Ears {Lightly Pierced} 
.::C.C. Kre-ations::.{Glowing beast} tail original mesh 
.r.M. - Harvester v2-
::Modish:: BeforeU {Reds}Lipsticks
.:::Ⓖ.ID:::. Possession Red - Xtmas Gift
.:::Ⓖ.ID:::  Riot Stripes-RedDevil 
.:::Ⓖ.ID::: Hannibal Stripes
- Pr!cK - G.I TiTs  -
-DRD- creature horns - bloodred

chaos - little top red leo (boxed)
D2K - Rachel Mesh Net Skirt  
[S] - Sticky PantieZ - Red Stripe  

-DRD- karma headband broken
*REIGN.- Miden Body Chain- Black

Saturday, January 4, 2014

We shall save your asses!!!! .....

Indeed we are going to save you all!! Ok maybe not all cuz some are just..... Nah! Lawl!! I had a blast with this one. Two awesome and sepxy girls some cute sailor moon outfits and about two days to get it done hahahaha! Loooooooooooooove it!! ♥ Enjoy my peeps :3

Demons Details:
** Phat Azz
Lolas ::: Tango ::: Updated (BOX)
Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Mid
Essences - Olyvia02 *doux* 
[Buzz] Mysteria Eyes - Ocean
""D!va"" Hair "Daisy" (Type B-1) RARE
::Modish:: BeforeU {Reds}Lipsticks

.tsg. Sentofuku Lingerie - Mercury OMGatcha
:FY: Missy Thigh Highs (leopard pack)
*BOOM* Dame Elbow Gloves (pure)
[ity.] Moon Tiara Fatpack
.tgs. Moonlight Magc - Moon Stick Blue OMGatcha