Thursday, November 29, 2012

Oh hell, how I miss thee

Gawd this song!! :Q___ Makes all the bad in me want to go out and play hehehe :3 New stuff!! Woooo!! Now I got a mix and match set "EvilOne" Corset, skirt and boots.The name says it all and why the song :P All come separate so you can mix and match them to your preference. All are $80L!!!! Oh yes yes! The only one that isn't is the brown skirt that one I reserved it for my group members :3 Yes, it's a group gift hehehe. Also have some bad ass shirts for the guys!!! So time for the awesome pictures \o/
Marketplace store HERE and don't forget to visit the main store inworld!! :D

                (Shirts, corset, and skirt come in XS, S, M, L, and XL Boots are rigged mesh)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

I cry... just a little...

When I think of letting go!! ♫♪ Awesome song!!! Loving it :D Well I have a new outfit that this song just goes so well with!!! Check it out --> Here  outfit comes with a top, shorts, fishnets, and the boots!! And now for the awesome pics hehehe ♥

Thursday, November 15, 2012

I Could Be Your Girl Girl Girl, But.......

would you love me if I ruled the world world world? ♫♪ Oh yeah ;) Bad ass song! One of my favorites from her. Well my deranged and strangely awesome peeps! I finally got a store inworld!! So go check it out >> Anput Living Inworld Store   Time to check out what is new!!!!! I love Emily the Strange, I used to be so much like her as a teen hahahahaha Besides she has a bad ass cat *w* So with all that love I have for her and her kitties I decided to make something cute yet bad ass like her. I came up with this one of a kind outfit :Q___ Dress (mesh) Boots (mesh) and fishnets (pants and underpants layers)

(Dress comes in XS, S, M, L and XL)

Also just a quick announcement lol New group Gift!!! Those bad ass boots oh yeah!! Free for all my group members :3

Thursday, November 1, 2012

That which had gone away but,,,,

Decided to return for everything kept reminding me of you *w* ♫ gawd!! Love that song :D Well I have had too much stuff in RL that has herd me away, but I got my butt here just to make you guys some bad ass stuff before I disappear again lol Today in Mexico is a huge day for it's the most amazing holiday ever! The Day Of The Dead! <3 Indeed I am Mexico and I do celebrate this holiday :P In respect to it I made this dress just for the occasion !

Also I got something for the guys ;) not related to the holiday but it's just epic awesome! Got to love clowns hahahahahahahaha xD!!!