If you truly love me.. then don't let me go....

Gawd how I love this band!!!! They get me in such a different level hehehe !!!! Well well we have another cute and exotic outfit for you guys. Some more stuff from The Thrift Shop event :D I just love the stuff their!!!!! Hope you guys like it as much as I <3

Skin: :Sugar: [1] Autumn {The Thrift Shop}

Hair: (r)M ~ Hair(Mesh) No.07 ( n e u t r a l s )

Horns: [Aux] In Dreams -Horns- Ivory (The Thrift Shop) -gotcha-

Outfit: %.:EC:. Bag Siam

Earrings: [-iPoke-] Pureza

Shoes: alterego I showstoppa - diva [thirftshop]

Stockings: Barely Legal - Kitty Stockings White (Thrift Shop)

Accessory: *Aboutique* Candy Googles cupcake 1 (Thrift Shop) -Gotcha-

Accessory: {alterego} gag strap -{Pink} [cupcake-pi] (Thrift Shop) -Gotcha-


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