
Showing posts from September, 2013

Come into our den of pure darkness....

This song is just perfect for this!! Enjoy it! So Sugar and Cyanide is having a bad ass 50% off sale before she closes her store for a few days to get new stuff in :O! The thing is some items wont come back from this remake D: Soooooooo it is so worth going to check it out and get your shopping on! Wooo!! And now for our devious little show! :Q___ Enjoy :D On Deamon: Lolas ::: Tango ::: Mesh Breasts (vendor) ** Phat Azz ""D!va"" Hair "Tina" (Platinum) .::WoW Skins::. Allegra  GG SEPT.* Corvus : Eye Scar Corvus : Eyebrow Double Scar .:ellabella:. Alloy Nipple Piercings & Chains [ S H O C K ] Spikes & Skull - Belly Piercings Letis Tattoo :: Ras Algethi :: .S&C. Metallic Pants - White >> DK << Armed Explosion Belt (female) Grave G356 The Cat Gloves & Goggles Razor /// Surgical Nurse Mask w/HUD RO - Necromancer Vendor (Roleplay) On MariaB: -SU!- Elyse Facial Piercings /METAL -Utopia...

My my!!! you should read the signs....

Maria here!!! :D This song is just awesome!! The skrillex version is really good too but well can't go wrong with originality :P Candy Crunchers - Don`t Smoke w/ applier J's Studded Long boots (Black) .S&C . Eve Skirt - Black .Identity. Body Shop - Broken Glass Btw Sugar and Cyanide is having a 50% off SALE!!! So gogogogo Before she closes her store for a couple of days.... Some of the items wont come back so you can't miss this!!!

Sweet sticky lollipop I will get to your core.....

Oh dance dance dance!! CandyLand has nothing on this outfit!!! Hehehehehe Well damn Now I need me to get my sugar fix :P Time to head to the candy store and stock up. I leave you with this sugary post @_@ Body   .ID. Spring Eyes - Fern/Just Before Sunset ** Phat Azz Lolas ::: Tango ::: Mesh Breasts   N-core FEET   Magika [02] Awake Outfit .S&C. Kate 1 (Fashion's Story Fair)   NEW [Lola Tango/Phat Azz Appliers] Accessories Cobrahive - Starru Bracelet MG - Necklace - Pearls - Combo Sets and Singles - Black(N) RO - Sanctus RO - Usagi Bow SuPerBia - PierCinGs *SpiRaL NoSe*- Pink

Sporty Azz!

Now this video is very interesting with all the azz going on hehehehe So it suits this post just perfectly!!! :D MariaBileth's post ;) Exile:: Counting Stars Naturals ** Phat Azz NEW **SHINE** Vampire Teeth/Demon [Aux] In Dreams - Horns - Obsidion -UtopiaH- Independence Piercing ...::: Scrub :::... Knuckleduster Nails Corvus : Spiked Black Mesh Choker [R3] - Jaimy Gloves [V3] [Cynful] V - Top - Grey .S&C. Phat Capri - Night NEW * .:: deeR ::. * MESH higher vulcan shoes

Every time I am not with you I can't seem to think right.....

Fooooooooooooooor you!!! ♫ This song ♥ Love it!!! hehehe Well now a cute chilly post :P Skin: .S&C. Ashlee - Peach [Tango and Phat Azz Appliers] NEW Hair: Exile:: Precious New Naturals NEW Eyebrows: .r.M. Misery Eyebrows Face and Chest Piercing: -.HoD. - Fire In The Water Piercing DELUXE Set Group Special Neck Piercing:  - .HoD. - Slither Piercing Set - GROUP GIFT Outfit: .S&C. Vanity - Phat Azz [Tango and Phat Azz Appliers] Shoes: %.:EC:. Kenza Boots* Accessory: RO- Snowboard SUGOI [The Arcade Event]  Accessory: RO- Ski Goggle - PINK RARE [The Arcade Event] 

My angel cries for it feels how much pain strikes my heart.....

Had to put this song!!! SOAD just makes me want to go crazy! xD Hehehehe Check this one out :D Hair: ""D!va"" Hair "Giz" (Type A)(Onyx) Eyes: .ID. Spring Eyes - Fern/Just Before Sunset Eyebrows: .r.M. Misery - Eyebrows Top: .S&C. Toxicity Rabit Hole Sale Room Bottom: [NV] 450 Ski Jeans -Zebra- Face and Chest Piercing -.HoD. - Fire In The Water Piercing DELUXE Set Shoes: :FY: Nikki Stiletto Gloves: -SU!- Ivy Gloves V.2 BLACK Rings: RO- FAMOUS Ring Waist Piercing: [-iPoke-] Cerwidwen Belly Piercing: [SHOCK] Spikes & Skull - Belly Piercing Googles: *Epic* Kawaii Heart Biker Goggles!{White/Teal}[Nose]RS Buddy: [geek.] Angel Bot -Sad- Pak

I'll always run with my own wind and sing my own song....

They are just amazing! This song is beyond amazingly good!! Well enjoy this one ;) Hair: ""D!va"" Hair "Asami" (Ruby) Free Skin: Essences ~ CHO TDRF 02 ~ lait Top: .S&C. Hoodie New Bottom: [Cynful] Isia Jeans Short - Camo [TDRF] Socks: :::Sn@tch Shannon Garter Socks (Lights)::: Facial Piercing: [-iPoke-] Morta Accessory: RO- PinnAcle headband Gloves: -SU!- Ivy Gloves V.2 Black Stalkerazzi Shoes: *CK * Sexy Military

Hop hop to the wonders of my psychopath land.....

Awesome soooong!! Not a huge fan of hers, but this song is catchy :3 Well yet another post Ooooh yeah baby :p Enjoy my peeps ♥ Hair:   /Wasabi Pills/ Melissa Mesh Hair - (BOOBS) - Iceberg - RARE The Arcade Gatcha Event Ears:   +Half-Deer+ Velven Bunny Ears (Spooky)  The Arcade Gatcha Event Facial Piercing:   Cute Poison - Star Crossed Piercings Stalkerazzi Bottom:   ...:::Scrub:::... Histrion Leggins Skull  Stalkerazzi Top:   [Style X] Mini Top <Emy> Black Skull Lolas .Tango. Incl.  Stalkerazzi Shoes:   N-core SUBLIME "Black" (Mesh) NEW Accessories:   *So&So* Bundle Hellokitty Sl Fashion Week Gloves:   .Shi : Fingerless Glove [Female] SET 3  The Arcade Gatcha Event

I shall drink my Monster even if you don't want me to....

This song is catchy as hell hahahahaha And well We can't stop even if we wanted to xD. Here is a cute new duo for you guys. My sister is back to blogging here sooooo be on the look out for her posts *-* Hope you all enjoy it :D On Deamon: Skin: .S&C. Ashlee - Fatpack ♥ Hair: ""D!va"" Hair "Tina" (Platinum) Collabor88 Make-up: - .HoD. - Glam Oil Lipstick Collection [Female] (GroupGift) Face Piercing: Cute Poison - Star Crossed Piercings Stalkerazzi Nails: (FEMALE)) [MANDALA] SINRA 2 NAILS and RINGS set/ SAMURAI BLACK Bottom: ++[Anput-Living]++ Mesh_Kawaii Leggins  PopTarts Top: .S&C. September Group Gift Shoes: !Blah. (My Piggy Slippers) White Mes Brics A Bracs Accessories: NS::  Kawaii Sleep Mask (Gift) Necklace: PP  - Omega Warrior Necklace Accessories: .S&C. Spiked Knuckles - Silver/Black Spikes Gotcha Accessories: **RE** NOX Era- Bracelets On MariaBileth: Hair: TRUTH HAIR Delta -  black & whites ...

I can purr for you, but then you have to pet me.....

A classic!! And always deliciously sweet to listen to hehehe :P Well Some new stuff from ++[Anput-Living]++ Some cute leggins and vest tanks *-* Hope you all enjoy it and remember to go and check them out! All are at 50L sooooo give them a try :D

The things that I can teach you.....

Oh yeah!!! I can party to this song for hours! Well there are so many events going on this month of September and I want to share as much as I can hehehe. We have: The Arcade Event, Perfect Wardrobe "Angelic" theme, Mes Brics a Bracs, Silicone, Bewbapalooza, and Stalkerazzi. Woah! So many @_@ lol Hope you all enjoy all the fun posts I'll be putting up :D Make-up: .Pekka. Blush & Beauty mark Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Giada skin & shape Hair: " "D!va"" Hair "Giz" (Type A)(Brown diamond) The Arcade Event Top: .S&C. Eris Bewbapalooza Bottom: ~RSC~ GET YOU OUTFIT Shoes: N-core SUBLIME "Black" (Mesh) NEW Facial Piercing: Cute Poison - Star Crossed Piercings Stalkerazzi Accessory: .Pekka. Head bow - leather black RARE Stalkerazzi Accessory: GizzA - Electra Set [Beige] Collar The Arcade Event Ear Piercing: [-iPoke-] Pureza Bracellets: ...:::SCRUB:::.. . Paz Jewerly: ::*Bangles*:: Ankle J...