Sweet sticky lollipop I will get to your core.....

Oh dance dance dance!! CandyLand has nothing on this outfit!!! Hehehehehe Well damn Now I need me to get my sugar fix :P Time to head to the candy store and stock up. I leave you with this sugary post @_@

 .ID.Spring Eyes - Fern/Just Before Sunset
*L.inc* Phat Azz
Lolas ::: Tango ::: Mesh Breasts
 N-core FEET
 Magika [02] Awake

.S&C. Kate 1 (Fashion's Story Fair) NEW [Lola Tango/Phat Azz Appliers]

Cobrahive - Starru Bracelet
MG - Necklace - Pearls - Combo Sets and Singles - Black(N)
RO- Sanctus
RO- Usagi Bow
SuPerBia- PierCinGs *SpiRaL NoSe*- Pink


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