Look what brought a wicked smile to my xmas......

Oh yeah give me some more! Cuz Comet, Dasher, Prancer, Vixen, and Donner have nothing on this sexy Rudolph!! ♥ And Cupid made it just as sexy :3 Hehehe I had the pleasure to once again do a post with the amazingly naughty, sexy and just plain awesome sauce of Zombettie ♥.♥ Enjoy!!!

*L.inc* Phat Azz
Lolas ::: Tango ::: 
Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Mid
.Birdy. Blair skin ~Pure~ Kiss me [BOX] RARE The Arcade Gatcha Event
*Epic* Mesh Sylph Ears {Lightly Pierced} 
[Buzz] Dolly Eyes - Light Amber
/Wasabi Pills/ Kira Mesh Hair - Wild honey The Arcade Gatcha Event
-UtopiaH- Frozen Faded Tattoo 
-UtopiaH- My Suicide Horns Neutral Set
::Modish:: BeforeU {Nudes}Lipsticks TDR Fusion
[Buzz] Twinkle Shadows - Bronze

.S&C. Rudolph 

8f8_SHEEP Mittens_BLACK  The Arcade Gatcha Event
RO -Festivat- Blinking Blitzen RARE  The Arcade Gatcha Event

Zombetties Credits --> Here


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