You are my heaven...

Shape: Maitreya Mesh Body- Lara
          Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High
          Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Casual
Skin: .Birdy. Ali Vip skin - Pure <3 
Eyes: [Buzz] Serenity Eyes - Ice 
Mouth:  [[ CR ]]Nyam Nyam 
Hair: *~*Damselfly*~*Shannon Non-Rigged Mesh Tuxedo @Kustom9 
Tattoo: PourQuoiPas Tattoo FabMand
.::G.ID::. Belial Claws Red @SuicideDollz
Make-up: [:T:] Fay eye makeup tattoos  @We<3Rp

[CX] Hundred Chain Horn (Black)
=Zenith=Hun Archmage Leather Breastplate (Black)-Maitreya @We<3Rp
[LF] Edoras Headpiece Silver @We<3Rp
RO - Azrael Bone Wings Container  @We<3Rp
**RE** Dark Queen Rings - SLink Casual 
+ Animated Spaded Tail (wear me) + {aii} 
[CX] Heretic Nails (Untainted)
[CX] Heretic's Restraints (Corroded)
ieQED chanel.pearl.harness &  


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