Friday, September 28, 2012

Face it.... I am too cute for you!

Oh another kpop phenomenon!!! Love this group! Talented and just cute all over :3 Well one of my dresses is based on one of them... the Cutie Patuttie dress :D So go go go and get yours today :D My Store!!!!

(All mesh articles come in XS, S, M, L, and XL)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

And Then There Was...

You!!! Yes you... You know who you are xD! I love kpop it's just awesome all over! Well this song goes well with this post. Well my little ones New stuff just off the oven! Get them while they are still toasty and such ;) 2 New Mesh dresses and more to come! Oh yeah!!! Go go --> My Store!!!

 Something new, a duo pack :D Wooo!!! Also at promo price for a limited time!! Don't miss out! >:O
                                A dark version and Duo pack to come for this cute dress :3

Friday, September 21, 2012

Sargent Bad Ass!

Oh yeah! I am in a "I'm gonna whip that ass with a paddle" feeling hahahaha!  So I was looking around in the MarketPlace and came across an awesome outfit that caught my full attention... Jill from *{ SeVered GarDeN }* Let me tell you the outfit is amazing!!!!! This song came to mind as I was taking the pictures :D

Hair: RAW HOUSE ::Sonny [Whites]
Skin: [Al Vulo] - [Julia] - [Intense night ] Group Gift
Horns: *~*Illusions *~*Cemwn Horns
Tail: [GLUE INK] Imp Tail (Long)
Eyes: .ID. Light Sensitive - Ice
HairBase: [GLUE INK] *~Starlight Hair Base Tattoo~* 
FacialPiercings: ::[annaA]:: Face Piercing "Kathya" Dark
EarPiercings: -.HoD.- Dragon's Tail Gauge & Piercing Set
Tattoo: [GLUE INK] No regrets Fruit Tingle Tattoo
Shape: My Costume Shape, Not for sale :3

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

True Love Hurts Apparently :O!

Damn song got me hooked! Lmao xD! Now now, I got some new band shirts for those fans who are in love with artists that inspire them ♥ Remember all Band shirts are at a Promo Sale at my marketplace store!! So go go go Don't miss out!! Lets start with one of my ultimate favorite band! \m/

 Oh Gawd!! Rammstein is still amazing!! After all this years xDD
 Now a more recent band, Blood On The Dance Floor is just amazing!! Check them out ;)
 For those who enjoy some awesome Japanese Rock, you have to check out this band!! Maximum The Hormone! Just epic all over :D
And how can I not have a band t-shirt for Hocico!!! They are just awesome sauce!! *w*

                                      ( All Mesh shirts come in XS, S, M, L and XL)

Friday, September 14, 2012

Epic fans everywhere we have landed!

               My ultimate favorite band!! No other band has captured me like Lamb Of God \m/!!
And to the inspiration they have caused with in my crazy head I made an epic Mesh shirt for all of those LoG Fans!! Hell yeah ;) Check them out at my store! More band and random awesome new shirts being processed in my head and soon coming to you xD! As well as more clothes with a unique touch of my "psychotic" vibe Lawl!
                                               Also We have a bad ass Thundercats shirt!!
                         All Mesh shirts come in XS, S, M, L, and XL!! Check them out :D

The Young Years :D

     I was utterly captured by this song, the beat the lyrics and the video is awesome as well xD!!

Now For the good stuff ;) Two new shapes especially for the little ones Adorable Me and Pinky and the Brat ( To all honesty those names are epic :P) Also a male shape is out Woo!! For the time being I've yet to get a store inworld so all my products are waiting at the Marketplace soooo Go! And check them out :D