Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year Bliss!!!!!! May the odd be not with you hahaha.....

Happy New Years everyone!!!!!!!!!!!! This song makes me dance away!!! *-* I hope you all have a good time and party hard hehehehe! ♥ Thank you for keeping up with me this year and well there is way more to come in this upcoming year so stay with me some more :3

** Phat Azz
Lolas ::: Tango ::: 
Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Casual
::Modish:: BeforeU {Nudes}Lipsticks
[Buzz] Mysteria Eyes - Ocean
^;^CaTwA^;^ Mesh Jessica Rainbow Hair [3]
Essences - Olyvia02 *doux*  TDR FUSION
MONS / Makeups - Eyeshadow BlackSwan TDR FUSION
.Identity. Body Shop - The Eye
C h a r y . - Vertical Horns (Black)

[Cynful] Aphrodisia Dress - Sequin - Gold/Tan [TDRF]
:FY: Missy Thigh Highs (leopard pack)(black)

[R3] - Rocka Pumps [V3]
:[P]:-TDR:// Aazi Collar Set-Christmas TDR FUSION
DRD MadPea Party Set RARE Gold

Saturday, December 21, 2013

I can't help myself but command that fluffy snow.....

Oh yeah :Q___ Dat azzzzzz! oh and this is such a good song hehehe! Enjoy guys!!! 

** Phat Azz
Lolas ::: Tango :::
!lamb. Desire Lines (Mesh) - Grayscale Pack  ~Collabor88~
[Buzz] Mysteria Eyes - Ice
.Birdy. Blair Skin  ~Porcelaine~ Shine ~The Arcade Gatcha Events~
::Modish:: BeforeU {Nudes}Lipsticks
Letis Tattoo :: LOVE & HATE Sleeve ::  H13004 :: ~Suicide Dollz~

FLite.-Corporals Black HighRider
[S] - Army Brat - Navy  ~Bodify~
.S&C. Gartered Stockings - Red   ~Stroker's SeXpo~

- Pr!cK - PunKLy HipAzz ChaiN { MilF  }  ~The Azz Show~
(r)M~Posture V-Collar (Women) ~ No.05
D2K GACHA! - Whip It Out Red   ~Bodify~

New cute little winter Coat!!! .....

Gawd this song!!! I loooooooooooooooooooove it! hehehehe ♥
So ++[A-L]++ finally has something new! Woohoo!!  And of course a group gift just in time for the holidays :3 Enjoy!!

Group gift!! Free Inworld

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Look what brought a wicked smile to my xmas......

Oh yeah give me some more! Cuz Comet, Dasher, Prancer, Vixen, and Donner have nothing on this sexy Rudolph!! ♥ And Cupid made it just as sexy :3 Hehehe I had the pleasure to once again do a post with the amazingly naughty, sexy and just plain awesome sauce of Zombettie ♥.♥ Enjoy!!!

** Phat Azz
Lolas ::: Tango ::: 
Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Mid
.Birdy. Blair skin ~Pure~ Kiss me [BOX] RARE The Arcade Gatcha Event
*Epic* Mesh Sylph Ears {Lightly Pierced} 
[Buzz] Dolly Eyes - Light Amber
/Wasabi Pills/ Kira Mesh Hair - Wild honey The Arcade Gatcha Event
-UtopiaH- Frozen Faded Tattoo 
-UtopiaH- My Suicide Horns Neutral Set
::Modish:: BeforeU {Nudes}Lipsticks TDR Fusion
[Buzz] Twinkle Shadows - Bronze

.S&C. Rudolph 

8f8_SHEEP Mittens_BLACK  The Arcade Gatcha Event
RO -Festivat- Blinking Blitzen RARE  The Arcade Gatcha Event

Zombetties Credits --> Here

Dance and prance and wiggle all around you cute little elf.....

Ah the psychedelic wonder *-*!! Don't know why but some of her songs I just love hehe ! Well here is a cute little outfit. Hope you enjoy :3

** Phat Azz
Lolas ::: Tango ::: 
Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Mid
.Birdy. Blair Skin  ~Peaches~ Rebel Rose The Arcade Gatcha Event
Clawtooth: Doolittle Prize 12 (Blueberry Pie) The Arcade Gatcha Event
*Epic* Mesh Sylph Ears {Lightly Pierced}
::Modish:: BeforeU {Nudes}Lipsticks TDR Fusion
[Buzz] Dolly Eyes- Cerulean
[Buzz] Twinkle Shadows- Lilac

*Epic Boobies* Cozy Off-Shoulder Top {Pengy-Blue} 
:FY: Zipped Jeggings (pack 02) The Azz Show

8f8_BUNNY Mittens The Arcade Gatcha Event
RO- Festivat- Blue Xmas The Arcade Gatcha Event

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

So shiny and bright, come make my night.....

Lolas ::: Tango :::
TRUTH HAIR Fernanda Group Gift
Essences ~ Whisper *Forgive me* 03~ light rose ~
[Buzz] Twinkle Shadow- Gold
[Buzz] Dolly Eyes- Cyan
Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Mid

.S&C. Holiday (An Enchanted Christmas Fair)
_CandyDoll_  Eleanora Black

PP - Ribbon Necklace - Group Gift
Pure Poison - Group Gift - SnowCutie Handbag
PP- Danielle Bracelets - Group Gift

Saturday, December 7, 2013

It's just so beautiful and pure... yet it's cold to the touch...

It has been a while since I've posted anything D: RL has been so hectic :( But well I got something wooo!! Lawl xD Hope you enjoy ♥

** Phat Azz 
Lolas ::: Tango ::: 
Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Kira Mesh Hair - Wild honey
Eyes: [Buzz] Dolly Eyes - Cyan
Make-up: [Buzz] Creamy Matte - Blood Red
Antlers: RemarkableOblivion - Festivat - Blinking Blitzen RARE

Outfit: .S&C. Holly - Red [An Enchanted Christmas Fair 2013]

Accessory: PurePoison - Red- Spiked Military Shoulders
Shoes: FLite. -Voyagers White High Rider
Collar: (r)M~Posture V-Collar (Women) ~ No.05

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

In the end I just don't know what to do.....

This is such a lovely song. A bit nostalgic but still good ♥ I truly hope you guys are enjoying my posts :3 I just have so much bringing new outfits to the table :D

** Phat Azz 
Lolas ::: Tango ::: 
Exile::Stray Wishes Naturals  
Essences ~ Song TDRF *light rose* 01  
Cute Poison - Quixotic Piercings  

.S&C. Leri 
LUST - ClockworkLady (Black)  
RONSEM* Knee High Boots 

:FY: Squishy Bat 04  (Gatcha) ~The Thrift Shop 3.0~
[LF]Peeking Blindfold Purple (Gatcha)  ~The Thrift Shop 3.0~

Monday, November 18, 2013

Even the sweetest of light and the heartless of darkness can surprise you when they are together...

Yum yum!!! I have the most exquisite luck and great opportunity to blog with my love Zombettie *-* aka teh kupcake :Q____ hehehehe. I had so much fun with this post and it shows cuz it came out freaking bad ass!!! Enjoy! ♥

On Deamon:
** Phat Azz
Lolas ::: Tango ::: 
Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Flat  
.tsg. Kotoko X Tone
Exile::Wild At Heart Ice Blondes
 .::Cubic Cherry Kre-ations::. {Riverbero; orion} mesh eyes

*Milk* My Laced Neck Tattoo Noir 
-UtopiaH- Figure Piercing
RO - Baphomet Horns - Celestial - Vendor 

{anc} /: face chain[shine] box 
-DRD- female - armor -bluemetal

On your knees my little bish.....

Damn right!! You better work bish!! ♥ hahahaha Let's do this!!! Enjoy ♥.♥

Lolas ::: Tango ::: 
Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Flat  
.tsg. Kotoko X Tone 
Magika [02] Sudden  

*Milk* My Laced Neck Tattoo Noir 
RO - Paragon - Perfect Pink vendor  ~Men's Dept Event~
=Zenith=Rammus Leather Backpack  Close(Black) ~Men's Dept Event~

.S&C. Kairi Corset - Black  
.:villena:. - H/W Leggings SplicedBlackV2 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

In the end I just have the love of the darkest of nights.....

Gawd this man is just so freaking hawt!! and beyond talented ♥ Enjoy my lovies!!! :*

Lolas ::: Tango ::: 
Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Flat  
.tsg. Kotoko X Tone 
Alice Project Halloween Massacre Special 10/28 - Ivy 

Such a cute little imp....

Not much of a talker today so just shut up and enjoy the blog!! :D Hope you guys enjoy this one!!! ♥

** Phat Azz 
Lolas ::: Tango :::
Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Flat  
.tsg. Kotoko X Tone
Clawtooth: Heart Attack and Vine (C88 November Dip Pack) 

- Pr!cK - LaBelle { BreeN }  
C h a r y . - White Spiked Bow Socks -teal ~The Azz Show~

- Pr!ck - Tenebre { CyaN } ~Perfect Wardrobe~
(Yummy) Metal and Diamonds - Night  ~Collabor88~

Sunday, November 10, 2013

So soft and fluffy makes you want to touch me....

I am so liking this song, the beat most of all! Makes my heart pump and dance hehehe Besides it has adorable lyrics?? xD!! And here we have another awesome post baby!! ♥

[ Al Vulo! ] - [ Ewa ] - [ Vampire Pearl ]
Clawtooth: Windswept (Glamorous Blondes Pack)
 .:{Crystal cat} eyes:. .::C.C.Kre-ations::.    Group Gift
{Moogle Ear} mesh with texture change hud .::Kre-ations::.
{Sgombro66~Shadow pack}Original mesh Tail .::C.C.Kre-ations::.

.S&C. Spiked Set Fat Pack  Medium Arm Warmer Red, Lexi Collar- Red
.S&C. Kairi Corset - Red
.S&C. Kairi Jumper - Black Denim

Silly one, purple is my color of madness...

It has a smooth yet dance beat to it, love it! Hope you guys are enjoying my posts. RL keeps taking me away, but I keep coming back to put a post or two when ever I can. Like always, ENJOY! :D

[ Al Vulo! ] - [ Ewa ] - [ Vampire Pearl ]
[Atro Patena] - Juliet (Fatpack)
*Epic* Sparkle Element Horns! {Black}

.S&C. Vivid (Tango Applier)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Don't ever let my cuteness mislead you into thinking that I am good.....

A damn classic and still kicks ass!! Love this song ♥ And it fits my red she-demon perfectly with her cute little hearts hehehehe. Well I found this store at The body expo and since then had to go to it's main store and check it out.....Couldn't help it but buy a good amount of accessories from .::C.C. Kre-ations::. ♥Hope you all enjoy this post !!!!!

Essences ~ Rose TDRF02 *doux*
"LoQ Hair" Jellybean FatPack
{Red Passion Horns} .::C.C. Kre-ations::.
{Hearth Keeper} Demon tail .::C.C. Kre-ations:..
Eclypse eyes{Moon .::Kre-ations::.
Eclypse eyes{Mars .::Kre-ations::.

.S&C. Sweater Dress - Red (unpacked)

{Spirit Token .::Kre-ations::.

Friday, November 1, 2013

That thin sheet that separates our worlds has been torn down for today.....

Bad ass song!!! The beat, the lyrics just awesome!! Can't get enough of them ♥ And now a special post dedicated to one of the most awesome celebrations ever..... Day of the Dead!!! *-* Hope you like it, because I love it! ♥.♥

:[ Al Vulo! ] - [ Ewa ] - [ Vampire Pearl TDR ]
[Atro Patena] - Juliet
Letis Tattoo :: Sugar Skull :: HW12005 ::  Perfect Wardrobe
Munique. Born Evil Tattoo with Piercing Addon & Lola Applier Perfect Wardrobe

{PopTart} Hello Nurse Outfit Perfect Wardrobe
.S&C. Jewel Top - Fat Pack (Red) Bewbstock

Thursday, October 31, 2013

You have awakened me from my slumber after so many centuries.....

Gawd this song is creepy yet so freaking amazingly good!!! The movie was bad ass as well hehehe. Well I am still with my most favorite theme.... Demons! I hope you guys enjoy this post :D

Essences ~ Qopi 03 *ivoire*
{Riverbero; lyra} mesh eyes .::Cubic Cherry Kre-ations::.
{Riverbero; orion} mesh eyes .::Cubic Cherry Kre-ations::.
Clawtooth: Windswept (Glamorous Blondes Pack)
*Milk* The Witchery Body Paint
Barely Legal - Rightous Horns (Silver & Platinum)
-DRD- demonhands

:Z.S: Bleed Me Dry Piercing
-DRD- trick or treat hunt prize Mouthpiercing
JD - Tri Bands - Black
O.M.E.N - Band, Bead & Blade - Black
RO - Hobnails - LEATHER

Friday, October 25, 2013

Let those souls rise up from the pit of the abyss for just that one day....

Yummy yum yum! This song is just scrumptious!! Well I do apologize for the wait, we all know how RL can take us away at times, but well here is a divine post for you guys! Enjoy :3

.::WoW Skins::. Irene  Milk
Magika [02] Awake
RO - Baphomet Horns - Celestial - Vendor   The Body Modification Expo

.S&C. Trick or Treat    The boobies Planet
.S&C. Spiked Set Fat Pack Black

-DRD- Tubes mask unisex -
-DRD- bullets (mono)
[Manticore] Adult Wyverns v2

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Time to pull out the candles and chant the night away for I shall cast a spell on you...

He made this song even more fascinating!! *-* The best holiday of all time Samhain!! Hallows Eve! Halloween :Q_____ And now for some magical stuff :D

.::WoW Skins::. Irene  Milk 
Lolas ::: Tango ::: Mesh Breasts (vendor)
Curio Obscura - Abomination Chomper Pink Boots 
*Epic Bombastic* Skully Bunny Mini Dress {Cyan}[Vendor]    / bewbapalooza

RO - Salem - Purchase Container   
RO - Rakshasa Magician Hat - RARE   
Magika [02] Tendency
*Epic Bombastic* Skully Bunny Mini Dress {Neon Green}[Vendor]    / bewbapalooza
** Phat Azz
.Identity. Body Shop - Broken Glass
<TheAbyss> FM_NAU_Combat_Belt
RO - Salem - Purchase Container    
Slink Womens Natural Barefeet (Mesh Rigged)
RO - Twintail Magician Hat - RARE  
on zagan
[Manticore] Red Panda v3 [BOXED] [WEAR]
RO - PumpkinHead Masks - Group Gift
RO - Magician Hat - Druid    

I will fight by your side till the end......

This song is just awesome!! Makes me smile tear and rage up all in one musical set hahahaha :D Well here we goooooo, this post has been presented to you by..... Two bad ass demons ! Damn right :P

.::WoW Skins::. Irene  Milk
Lolas ::: Tango ::: Mesh Breasts (vendor)
~Tableau Vivant~ Beaumont hair - Spring Pack
-SU!- Elyse Facial Piercings METAL
.Pekka. Arrow Nipple Piercing - SILVER
   - .HoD. - Slither Piercing Set - GROUP GIFT
.:: Delusions ::. Wrath Face Paints
.Identity.Body Shop - The Warrior

[R3] - Bay High-Waist [V2]
DRD Worn Combats -rigged

-UtopiaH- Mouse Helmet - TANGERINE
.Birdy. TOD plushie {midnight}
.Vect - Gynath Horn
[geek.] Zombie Survival Jacket -BlackPleather- PAK
[R3] - Bay High-Waist [V2]
[R3] - Jaimy Gloves [V3]
alterego I gun holster - pitch black
J's Studded Long boots (Black)
T. Holotags (Mesh) (Boxed)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Sticky and yummy is what makes you come back for more...

Rawr!! Oh the love doctor hehehe Good one to bop your head to xD!! This song just hits the damn spot for this post :P Ah perfectness at its best ♥ Candy Fair is here baby...Starts October 4th!!! Don't miss it... It will give you that oh so delicious sugar rush we all love but decide not to admit ;)

.::WoW Skins::. Irene  Milk
Lolas ::: Tango ::: Mesh Breasts (vendor)
( r e d ) M i n t ~ gG 10'13 -Group Gift-

.S&C. Sweet Heart [Candy Fair]
.S&C. Mya Heels

RO - Briar Bow - Cake - Group Gift-