Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Midnight snack....

.Birdy. Melancholy Skin - Pure - Exclusive @SecretAffair
*Soonsiki~ Rat *Pastels*
[Buzz] Celestial Eyes - Ice
.Inhale. Beneath The Skin Tattoo  @TheShowroom
[whatever] Teeth 2.0 - GemPiercing

BabyDoll. Ripped Top / Black
Mute. Affliction @XYroom
lassitude & ennui Nevermore heels - black @SecretAffair

:[P]:-Areiya Circlet:// Fallen @SecretAffair
Birdy (Foxes) - Melancholy Familiar [box]  RARE @SecretAffair
lassitude & ennui Lethe necklace - black @SecretAffair
.Pekka. Unseen Unisex Piercing - Silver  @TMD

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Endless possibilities...

.Birdy. Dreamer Skin - Pure - Exclusive
.random.Matter. - Fracture Eyes - Lilac @Distric5
*Soonsiki~ Rat *Pastels*
G.ID-Hecate Tattoo @SuicideDollz
[whatever] Teeth 2.0 - Fang

[-S-] Skelly Dress - Pink @SuicideDollz
BabyDoll. Princess Heels / Zebra @CandyShop

::LustRage::Akuma Backpacks-Striped @Distric5
...::: Scrub :::...Alice's Chains Silver
[Body Factory] Obscure - WayfarerGoogles - Pink @Distric5

Monday, August 25, 2014

Eternity is so over rated....

.Birdy. Dreamer Skin - Pure - Exclusive
[Buzz] Celestial Eyes - Ice
-_BarbieDesigns_-Skull Face *unisex

Static- Flame Stockings - Black @CandyShop

[The Forge] Filigree Bracer, (Silver) @FantasyGachaCarnival
[The Forge] Flower Pauldron, (Silver) @FantasyGachaCarnival
[The Forge] Filigree Necklace, (Silver) @FantasyGachaCarnival
[Keystone] Miradi'el- Onyx [Commom] @FantasyGachaCarnival
:Z.S: Spiked Posture Collar - Black @Distric5

Saturday, August 23, 2014

I am no saint.....

[Buzz] Celestial Eyes - Ice  @Kustom9
.Birdy. Dreamer Skin - Pure - Exclusive
+Spellbound+ Jezebel // Monochromes
. inhale . Fuck Off Slink Tatts
[whatever] Teeth 2.0 - GemPiercing @TDRFusion

Goth1c0: Wicca - High Waist Leggings 
*Reign.- Monarch Heels- Black

[Haste] Pocket Harness Black
Luas Iballa Bracers, Pauldrons & Crown Purple
*May's Soul* Ave maria black @We<3RP
- .HoD. - Deardriu Face Paints & Piercing @We<3RP
[][]Trap[][] Riven Wings White/Black @We<3RP
[The Forge] Twisted Collar, Black @We<3RP
:Z.S: Spiked Posture Collar - Black @Distric5 SinCity

Sunday, August 10, 2014

I always dream big with you beside me......

L.inc* Phat Azz
Lolas Tango ::: Delicq ::: 
Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Casual
Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High
.Birdy. Dreamer Skin - Pure - Exclusive
~Tableau Vivant~ Dreads line - Darcy Hair
. inhale . EYELINER  {black}

[-S-] Flyaway Panties - White @TheBigShow
-DRD-  Bohemian heels - black mix- metalbeads

D2K - Get Spiked Camo @SuicideDollz
G.ID - Kamikaze Glasses-Sliver @SuicideDollz
{DATUM} Black Cross {!RARE!} @KraveInc
{DATUM} Nose plug 

Friday, August 8, 2014

You can't stop me....

~Tableau Vivant~ Echo - Tone 5 - Natural 
*Dura-Boy*51(Black) @TheMen'sDept
-Labyrinth- Fork Beard (Tintable)
.Identity. Body Shop - Faith

*COCO*Homme_DenimJacketWithTee_Vintage @TheMen'sDept
:::B:::slim ripper pants @TheMen'sDept
J's Studded Long boots (Black)

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Slide your hand all the way up, smooth isn't it?....

L.inc* Phat Azz
Lolas Tango ::: Delicq ::: 
Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Casual
Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High
.Birdy. Summer Skin  ~Porcelaine~ Natural 
adoness : areto : greyscale

1 Hundred. Lace Vest. Black
BabyDoll. Lace Shorts / Black @TheCandyShop

REIGN.- Hello Hipster Necklace- Group Gift

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Why you so jelly eh......

~Tableau Vivant~ Echo - Tone 5 - Natural 
*Milk* Hair! The Top Knot *Sample*
.Reckless. - Penny
-Labyrinth- Fork Beard (Tintable)

.:dropdead:. Skullit T SHIRT
[Pumpkin]Low jeans (dark blue)
FLite. Masters Black Affair

Monday, July 28, 2014

How heavy is your presence here.....

L.inc* Phat Azz
Lolas Tango ::: Delicq ::: 
Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Casual
Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High
.Birdy. Dreamer Skin - Pure - Exclusive @TheSecretAffair
Exile::Stone Cold Seduction Naturals @HairFair
-UtopiaH- Damaged Glossy Lips Set
::NM:: "Ov Khaos" Full Body Tattoos @SuicideDollz

Mute. Sliver Body - White @BodyBoudoir
Razor/// Vice Heels - Single - Black @ROMP

.ARISE. Whip Horns / Obsidian @ProjectLimited
.random.Matter. - Lordis Headband - Black @TheSecretAffair
.::Cubic Cherry Kre-ations:..{The Void} face band ~BluesHunt~
 .::Cubic Cherry Kre-ations:..{Kawaii watermelon~ gatcha} @TheGachaMania

Friday, July 18, 2014

Purple people eater.....

L.inc* Phat Azz
Lolas Tango ::: Delicq ::: 
Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Casual
Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High
.Birdy. Dreamer Skin - Pure - Exclusive @Secretaffair
+Spellbound+ Lux // Natural Selection 
::NM:: "Ov Khaos" Full Body Tattoos

Top: :FY: Avia Bandeau (pack 01) @CandyShop
Bottom1: BabyDoll. Rawr Garter / Purple @MangaFair
Bottom2: BabyDoll. Net Bikini / Black
BabyDoll. Stripper Heels / Purple

BabyDoll. Bow Choker / Purple
{Scene} Purgatory - Limited Edition - SLink Casual Rings @LimitedEdition

Saturday, July 12, 2014

I am going to look deep into your soul.....

L.inc* Phat Azz
Lolas Tango ::: Delicq ::: 
Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Casual
Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Mid
.Birdy. Summer Skin  ~Porcelaine~ Natural @OMGacha
MINA - Mandy - Black & white specials 
ILLMATIC :: The Perfect Teeth - Vamp'd Edition
-UtopiaH- Damaged Glossy Lips Set @SuicideDollz

. AUTOPSY . Top Addict Black
{PixelGeek} Laced panties- Black @TheBigShow
.DirtyStories. LacedUp Socks @TheBigShow
.::C.C. Kre-ations::. {Wooden platforms} @We<3Rp

[MANDALA]SANKARA_Bracelet set_Black
.PANIK. Thw Kawaii Eyes- Wings- Grey/White @MangaFair
U.S Horn Emerald Chain [White] @OMGacha

Friday, July 11, 2014

Candy and swirls such a sweet tingly dessert....

L.inc* Phat Azz
Lolas Tango ::: Delicq ::: 
Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Casual
Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Mid
.Birdy. Summer Skin  ~Porcelaine~ Natural @OMGacha
.ploom. Inge - #7 - Monotone @OMGacha
-UtopiaH- Damaged Glossy Lips Set @SuicideDollz

G.ID - Femme Fatale - Latex Bodysuit @SuicideDollz
BabyDoll. Tights / Sheer White @CandyShop
REIGN.- Thistle Heels- Black

.DirtyStories. Candy Antenna&Tail
::TI:: Dark shoulders skull @OMGacha
::TI:: Dark Skeletor Necklace @OMGacha
::TI:: Punisher Stick Ball- Black- RARE @OMGacha
:Z.S: Witchery Ring  @SuicideDollz

Sunday, July 6, 2014

I just keep getting stronger and stronger....

L.inc* Phat Azz
Lolas Tango ::: Delicq ::: 
Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Casual
Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Mid
.Birdy. Summer Skin  ~Porcelaine~ Natural @OMGacha
+Spellbound+ Suspiria // Aubergine @OMGacha
-UtopiaH- Damaged Glossy Lips Set  @SuicideDollz

[ Infliction ] Madira Dress - Pink @MangaFair
BabyDoll. Tights / Leo Prple @MangaFair

Candy crunchers -  Kitty Ribbon Bracelet- Pink @CandyShop
.Pekka. Heart + Wings Rings- Pink @MangaFair
.Pekka. Kawaii Glasses - Pink @MangaFair
[.LAYOVER.] Meow Bento Box [Black] P2 @MangaFair
{PopTart} Nine Tailed Kitsune Large [DippedPink] @MangaFair

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Travel all over my universe.....

L.inc* Phat Azz
Lolas Tango ::: Delicq ::: 
Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Casual
Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High
.Birdy. Blair Skin  ~Porcelaine~ Shine
[^.^Ayashi^.^] Marise-Fatpack @TheCandyShop

Lolita - 54 Top Silver @MangaFair
Lolita - Hentai Shorts Pink @MangaFair
Perch - Cutie Sneaks - Lamby Pink @MangaFair

NS::  Mesh Animals Cute Bag (HUD) @MangaFair
.random.Matter. - Miku Headphones - White/White @MangaFair
.random.Matter. - MisaMisa - Anime Pack 1 @MangaFair

Friday, June 27, 2014

Droplets of endless love....

 I am sooooo excited to be part of the Manga Fair!!! It begins July 1st!!! I just love the concept and best of all the amazing ideas this incredible designers come up with ♥ I hope you all enjoy it as much as me!! 

L.inc* Phat Azz
Lolas Tango ::: Delicq ::: 
Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Casual
Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High
.Birdy. Blair Skin  ~Porcelaine~ Shine
[^.^Ayashi^.^] Bonya hair-fatpack @MangaFair

Outfit: [AdN] DARK PRINCESS (Appliers Included)
*REIGN.- Liberty Wedges- (HIGH)- Black @HelloSunshineFair

Birdy - [Alchemy] Story Book - Pigaroo - Pink @TheArcadeGachaEvent
.tsg. Keitai Smart Phone - Creepy Cute RARE @TheArcadeGachaEvent
.:Pulse:. Malicia PVC Wings @MangaFair
-UtopiaH- My Grisly Face Chain

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

I will cheer for you especially when you are down...

Had the great pleasure of once again blogging with my love Zombie *-* Lovers her!!

Lolas Tango ::: Delicq ::: 
Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Casual
Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High
.Birdy. Blair Skin  ~Porcelaine~ Shine
.ploom. Boomer - Indecisive
ILLMATIC :: Frenchie - Stefani

Blink -Blink Cheer Set - Purple

Credits to Zombettie

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Listen to my voice and let yourself go....

Skin: Clef de Peau:Mathias:T2 @TMD
Eyes: [Buzz] Mysteria Eyes - Angel
Hair: [INK] Hair___HOMIE ::Blonde @TMD
Teeth: ILLMATIC :: The Perfect Teeth - Vamp'd Edition
Extra: [MANDALA]Stretched EARS-OMIMI-

Top: Razor /// Chevron Dlb Shirt - Single Color Blk w/ White Tag HUD @TMD
Bottom: [JuSt CoOl] Straight Jeans- Grey @TMD
Shoes: FLite.-Flytop.001 Black Leather

Facial Piercing: -SU!- Elyse Facial Piercings METAL
Accesories: [MANDALA]SANKARA_Bracelet set_Black
Necklace 1: [MANDALA]Kamayara_Dogtag_Necklace_Silver
Necklace 2: [MANDALA]Sagarmatha_Necklace_Silver

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Indulge yourself with me.....

L.inc* Phat Azz
Lolas ::: Tango ::: 
Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Casual
Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Flat
.Birdy. Blair Skin  ~Porcelaine~ Shine
ILLMATIC :: The Perfect Teeth - Vamp'd Edition
~Tableau Vivant~ Longfall Hair - Rainbow//Aqua @TheArcadeGachaEvent

{PixelGeek} Candy stockings- Skull in Candy
[LL] Ruffle panties pink pack

AMAYA ~ MiuShades (Candy) @TheHelloSunShineFair
{PixelGeek} Candy stockings- Skull in Candy @TheThriftShop
BabyDoll. Bow Necklace /Pink @TheThriftShop
.ARISE. Double Nose Chain / Black